Monday, May 30, 2011

1 Week Left!

So I have 1 week left before I go and I couldn't be more excited! I've started talking with some people on my program (well, really 1), but we're all starting to become Facebook friends and whatnot. We all come from really awesome schools and all different experience levels with Arabic (so I've noticed), so we're bound to have a great time and learn a lot! One of the students even created a Facebook group for all of us to chat and discuss our upcoming excursion. I have a feeling we're all going to become very close, especially since there are only 12 of us!

My last day of work was on Sunday. I originally thought about requesting to work this week, but then decided against it so that I'd have time to dedicate to getting some last-minute items, get in some last hoorahs with friends and family, and, of course, STUDY AND READ!!!! I am also going to stick to my weekly goal of going to the gym 4 times. It shouldn't be difficult since I don't have to go to work, but it's hard to motivate myself since it's hot and I'm putting pressure on myself to get mandatory trip-related things done. Since I've been home, I've been super busy with working, volunteering, seeing friends, working out, etc. It'll definitely be nice to have a bit of down time before leaving (or at least more down time than I'm used to). Good news is that I've been getting enough sleep. Even more good news about not working- I won't be commuting to Baltimore a few times a week....the trip can be really energy-draining. So with a little motivation and drive, I'll get everything done that I need to. Six days and counting!

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