Saturday, July 16, 2011


I think I can honestly say that Chefchaouen is the most beautiful place in the world.

We arrived in Chefchaouen around 5 pm, after a very windy drive. Thanks a heap, I've now discovered that I have the ability to get carsick.

We stayed in these gorgeous rooms that had canopy beds. We all felt like princesses! (And when I say we, I mean definitely me and my friend/roommate Megan R.)

We then had dinner at a restaurant called Casa Hassan. We ended up eating there for 3 meals. Needless to say, a bunch of us didn't feel so hot after 2 meals there and I now officially hate chicken.

That night, we mainly wandered around the medina and met up with some new friends we met when we went to Tangier last weekend. I ended up conking out around midnight, waking up at 4am, and talking to Megan for about an hour or so. It was was like a sleepover all over again :-)

The next day, we slept in and explored the medina. I did some shopping and bought a few presents for people. :-) I ended up buying gifts from the same woman twice, so she gave me a good deal AND gave me a keychain as a gift!

A few of us went to a hotel bar the 2 nights we were there. We ended up meeting this British guy named Dylan. He was quite a character. He was a "sound therapist" and was in general, this huge, crazy hippie. His stories were strange, but it was highly entertaining. He suggested that we just randomly wet ourselves and that it's just so relieving to rebel against society telling you where you need to pee. Ok, Dylan, yeah...I'm going to just wet my pants at band camp this year....

On Wednesday morning, we took a bus to Tetouan to a beach on the Mediterranean called Cabo Negro. My sunscreen attracted a ton of bees and I ended up getting stung in the back. Unfortunately, I had to go straight into the water without waiting for it to soak in more (to avoid more beestings), so I got a nice sunburn. Despite this small fact, it was so neat to go to the Mediterranean!!!! The water was cold but refreshing, and it was so clear! We also rented these paddleboats and paddled out a ways and dove off of it. It was really nice! I am looking forward to swimming in it again in a few weeks!!!!

I am proud to report that the ride home was not as stomach-lurching as the ride to Chefchaouen. We did, however, stop at a lovely little gas station to use bathrooms that were still under construction- no doors, no toilet paper, no soap, no running water, no working flushers. It was horrendous. Another thing that is different here is that there are bathroom attendants for public bathrooms and you have to pay them. I was not about to pay some little old biddie a dirham for peeing for an audience, but our program coordinator paid for all of us. Seriously, I should have been the one getting paid....

I am currently blogging from Fez. That, in itself was a fun adventure, but more on that later...

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